
Jack Pine Gin label for Northern Latitudes Distillery in Lake Leelanau, Michigan.
Armenian Research Center University of Michigan–Dearborn
Six large informational panels of text, images, and maps accompanied an extensive exhibit of early books published in the Armenian language.
The stylized profile image of the 38th president and “Ford100” treatment were adapted for print materials, campus-wide banners, electronic formats, and yes, buttons. Developed for the Ford School of Public Policy for year-long events commemorating the 100th anniversary of Ford’s birth.
Exterior signage and logotype for Ann Arbor’s tallest building. Developed in partnership with Lincoln Poley, Architects.
This 26-inch diameter calendar features an image looking into the U.S. Capitol's dome, with dates inside the windows. The back of the calendar holds historical facts about the dome's construction on the occasion of its sesquicentennial in 2016.
Logo and banners designed for the 100th anniversary of the historic Nickels Arcade, home to Savitski Design since 1998. The logo references the building’s classic facade and decorative floral columns.